Increase Traffic To Your Website And Increase Your Money

Everyone knows that traffic equals money. But the question is how can you increase traffic to your website? There are a zillion pages on the internet that will tell you how to do it, but they (and I) are all telling the same thing. To organically increase your traffic you need to rate highly with search engines. All search engines have different ranking algorithms but they are all essentially based on backlinks. A backlink is a link to your site from another site.

Submit your site to search engines.Google, Bing(MSN) There are also a lot of SEO pages that will submit your URL to other search engines for free.

Submit your sitemap to all the search engines. For Google you will have to use Google's web master tools For Bing you will have to use and for Yahoo you can use A sitemap is either an xml formated file or a simple html page with links to all your other pages.

Leave comments on other blogs and sites with a link back to your site. This will increase the number of backlinks.

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